About Us

Tactical Computing Laboratories was founded upon the premise that software is a first-order design principle in hardware development. Optimizing a platform’s micro architecture or building accelerators for application-specific workloads is only useful if the necessary software tools & optimizations are present to exploit it. Our experience in designing advanced computing platforms for computationally-intensive and data-intensive workloads has proven this time and time again. As a result, we are at the forefront of advanced platform development that efficiently marries traditional programming models and advanced hardware technologies.



Chief Scientist/Founder

John Leidel founded TCL upon the premise of changing the face of HPC by examining the intersection of hardware and software.


Chief Hardware Architect

David joined TactCompLabs to lead research and development efforts in hardware architecture, hardware synthesis and advanced architecture development. David joined TCL after leading the Computer Architecture Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


Micro architecture, architecture evaluation, graph theory, machine learning, sparse linear algebra, cryptography. These are all areas where Tactical Computing Laboratories has unique expertise and experience.

Click below for more information about our capabilities.

Current Projects

We participate with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the OpenSoC System Architect hardware and tool chain development infrastructure.

Click below for more information about our current open source projects.

About Us

Our experience in designing advanced computing platforms for computationally-intensive and data-intensive workloads has proven this time and time again.

Click below for more information about Tactical Computing Labs.