Elizabeth Estevez

Tactical Computing Laboratories



Advanced Computing Systems Research Project Seeks Collaboration

RISC-V based effort seeks improvements on critical computing systems


Texas, June 2021: Tactical Computing Laboratories is joining forces with others in the RISC-V research community to help urge improvements on critical computing systems and high performance computing/data analytics. The Extended Base Global Address System, or xBGAS effort, will provide micro architectural extensions designed to reduce the latency to perform global and shared memory operations in enterprise RISC-V devices. This will also be utilized across a distributed memory infrastructure with maintaining a high level degree of security and access control.


To begin, the joint effort will use the RISC-V ISA specification, initial ecosystem of hardware IP, software infrastructure to build a fully functional, ABI-compliant RISC-V device.  The base infrastructure is extended to include the ability to perform local and global addressing mechanisms using combinations of instruction-based load/store operations and intelligent DMA engines for bulk transfer operations.  The addressing mechanisms provide up to 2X the address space available in a local node’s addressable memory, all without the need to modify/recompile any system software.


Tactical Computing Laboratories’ (TCL) deep connection to adjoining software development and hardware capabilities will seek to tackle multiple efforts during the xBGAS collaboration in order to further improve the efficacy of HPC, HPDA, security and file system applications.  Current efforts are underway to provide demonstrable prototypes using high performance, interconnected FPGAs with the goal of producing production-quality ASICs.


About Tactical Computing Laboratories: Tactical Computing Laboratories  (TCL) was founded  in 2016 upon the groundwork that software is a first-order design principle in hardware development. Knowing computing hardware and software architectures would not be sufficient to meet the ever increasing demands of scalable, data intensive computing, TCL’s mission is to optimize a platform’s micro architecture for application-specific workloads. Holding vast experience in designing advanced computing platforms for computationally-intensive and data-intensive workloads has also been in the central principal of every project.